Firm Overview
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Contact Adam Davis
Call now and speak to Attorney Adam Davis
(480) 421-1000 - (520) 584-8700
About Us
Firm Overview
I have worked on numerous complex, high stakes litigated matters. My law firm has been in operation since 1999 so I have handled many cases involving serious medical malpractice and or birth injury cases, nursing home abuse, burn cases, tort issues of all kinds, complex insurance claims, multiple interstate defendant issues, auto accidents, dog bites, slip falls, wrongful death cases and the like.
Notable work:
-Originated and assisted to litigate with a small group of trial lawyers from other firms acting in addition to Mr. Davis as co-counsel, obtained the largest civil trial verdict in Arizona year of 2013-medical malpractice case, amount of verdict $12,123,000.00
-Originated and assisted to litigate with a small group of trial lawyers from other firms acting in addition to Mr. Davis as co-counsel, obtained the largest civil trial verdict in Arizona year of 2017-medical malpractice case, amount of verdict $15,000.000.00
-Litigated and successfully resolved a substantial brain injury case involving both highway design issues and product defects against a major car manufacturer.-Settlement confidential. (SC).
-Litigated and successfully resolved a catastrophic brain damage and blindness matter in an unfortunate birth injury case-(SC).
-Litigated and successfully resolved an amputation case involving a major transportation carrier-(SC).
-Litigated to successful trial verdict a case involving a highway design guardrail height issue that resulted in a number of fatalities.
-Litigated and fought for clients to success in multiple aviation cases including a case involving a helicopter crash fatality victim and a serious injury to a person involving a major airline.
Competition trial activities:
As part of my volunteer activities I am a competition mock trial judge for students that compete from around the country.
I am involved with the American Mock Trial Association, the University of Arizona Undergraduate Mock Trial Group and the James E. Rogers Law School University of Arizona, Regional Mock Trial Competition sponsored by the American College of Trial Lawyers. In these activities, I act as both a volunteer competitive trial judge and juror judge at both the college and law school levels for regional mock trial competitions for schools from around the nation to help law students and pre-law college students refine their trial practice presentation and skills in a live courtroom and in front of the trial practice judges who volunteer to assist the process.
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